October Blog

 In  the month of October, I have volunteered at UMC for 12 hours (3 hours every Sunday). I have been in the radiology department at UMC where the techs have allowed me to follow them around, so it was more of a shadowing experience this month. I have been reassigned to a different department and will start volunteering for 2 hours in the ortho trauma unit on Sundays moving forward, so I will be expecting to be involved in more duties. The volunteer coordinator told me that I would involved in small tasks that would help out nurses such as speaking with the patients and letting the nurses know what they need or bringing the patients a cup of water if they requested it. The past ANS & CV modules have been difficult as Dr. Katakam had warned the class about. There were numerous drugs to remember along with their indications, contraindications, and mechanisms of actions. I still did fine on the exams in the ANS & CV module despite not participating in the group study session that took place in class. I chose not to participate since I live farther from campus than most of the other students. So far the CV pharm module has not seemed so bad compared to the previous module. I mostly enjoyed the lecture on arrhythmias and being able to interpret EKG readings.


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